Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Big One Comic Podcast : Spiderman - Big Time (Marvel)

Swinging into your ears is a new episode featuring the menace to New York himself, Spiderman. Jonathan joins Alex and Ryan in this epic arc. While the story may only last 4 issues, we review 10!  Cause we either love you or hate you.  Can Alex and Jonathan change Ryan's mind about Spiderman?  Will our special guests sway your votes on this web crawler?  Tune in and find out!

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Big One Comic Podcast : Locke and Key - Welcome to Lovecraft

Open the door to an all new Big One Comic Podcast!  We unlock the bloody, mysterious, creepy Locke and Key trade 1, Welcome to Lovecraft. We also welcome a special guest Corwin from Earth's Mightiest Podcast. This 6 issue trade has two of our hosts knocking for more, while one is slightly less convinced.  Peer through the peep hole and ring the bell for entertainment and TWO top fives.